What are the annual dues and What happens if I do not pay my annuals dues?
Annual Dues Are : Lot $340 Due on or before Dec 31 yearly.
Should a property owner fail to pay his annual dues the Board has a right to place a lien on the property for the dues, interest incurred and the cost of filing the lien.
What do I do if my neighbor's actions or property is an issue?
Please report any condition or activity that you believe that is in violation of the Convents. The procedure for reporting is found on the Covenants Tab of the HOME page.
How do I get involved in the TRPOA and/or the Board?
The TRPOA is run by a volunteer Board of Directors and numerous committees. Any association is only as good as the people involved – and we need interested and competent help from residents to help create and keep this a great place to live. If you know the area with which you might want to get involved, contact the committee chair or the Board President – listed under the Board of Directors tab. Board positions are open to all Members in good standing. Elections are held for board members at every Annual Meeting.
When is the annual meeting? How am I informed of meetings?
The TRPOA annual meeting is the fourth Saturday of June. Members are informed of the meeting date and location by mail. Information and the meeting agenda will also be posted on the TRPOA website. Monthly board meeting time and place will be posted on the website.
When do I need a TRPOA issued building permit?
All new construction requires a building permit issued by the TRPOA Design Review Board (DRB). In similar manner major alterations to structures and major landscape projects require a permit from the DRB. Removal of live trees over five inches in diameter require DRB review also. Detailed requirements for the enrollment of the DRB and restricted alterations can be found in the Covenants located on the website. Also located on the website under the ‘Forms’ tab are the forms and a step-by-step procedure for the process to involve the DRB. DRB Chairman is also available to discuss your individual situation. His contact info is available on the ‘Board’ tab on the website.
Do I have rights to use the golf course and pool?
The golf course is owned and operated by a third party. Membership in TRPOA does not grant any special privileges on the Timber Ridge golf course with the exception of a priority in purchasing memberships. The pool however is leased from a third party. Any member in good standing has rights to use the pool. Members not in good standing are barred from pool use.
Is wildlife protected with in Timber Ridge?
Covenant Changes of 2022:
Hunting is NOT allowed in Timber Ridge Subdivision.
Discharging of Firearms is NOT allowed in Timber Ridge Subdivision.
Trespass laws apply.